
Mittwoch, 19. August 2015


Hello beautieees x,
I haven't written about my life in a while, so I just wanted to keep you up to date.
Well, I am in my semester break for about two weeks now and I have the right to, since I've been all stressed about my exams. Whatever, it's over (at least for now) and I'm already preparing myself to do the exams in November. 
Oh my goooosh, and I still have so much other things to do in the next few weeks. Got soo much in my mind!!
There is my cousins wedding, a nightover, birthdays, meetings aaand I'm probably going on vacation next weekend for I don't know how long. I'll tell you more about it, when it's 120% sure!
As you might know, I'm in Cologne right now with my family and friends, and I still need to go back to Münster a few times because of private matters *wink*
Did you know that I'm going to be a "WWU-Buddy"? If not: "WWU" is the name of the college I go to in Münster and being a "WWU-Buddy" means to take care of international students from everywhere but Germany, who want to study for a while in our college. Taking care means pretty much everything. To guide them around Münster, to show them our college, to go on lunch and dinner with them, to show them our nightlife (which I'm not good at, but the "WWU-Buddy"s are going to be paired off, so I hope my partner will be better at it) and some more points. I'm really excited to meet my two students!
However, I'm going to write more about everything when it all happened. 
Here are some pictures, which you haven't seen, from the past few weeks/months *smirk* :

The "Schloss" in Münster at night

Ben&Jerry's tour in Münster

Candlelight at L'Osteria (italian restaurant)
Pre-presents on my birthday - you know me

Pretty much my feeding during study time
Hot Dog Pizza - unexpectedly delicious!

Freitag, 14. August 2015

4 AM

Liege wieder im Bett bis spät in die Nacht,
frage mich was Er mit meinen Gefühlen macht.
Will mein Herz einem anderen geben,
doch wie soll ich bloß ohne ihn leben?
Alle sagten ich solle schlau handeln - mich von ihm abwenden.
Mein Gehirn stimmte zu, wollte ihm diese Nachricht senden.
Ich brauch' dich nicht in meinem Leben,
werd' die Zeit mit dir nicht vergessen & alles was schief lief, vergeben.
War kurz davor damit abzuschließen,
doch mein Herz wusste ich würde mir ins eigene Bein schießen.
Will mich nicht von meinen Gefühlen leiten lassen,
doch glücklich ohne ihn würde einfach nicht passen.
Brauche ihn in meinem Leben,
kann mein Herz keinem anderen geben. 
So viele Jahre ist es her;
bei dem Wort Liebe, denke ich mir immer noch Er.
Freunde glauben es gäbe ihn nicht mehr in meinen Gedanken,
doch könnte ich zwischen ihm und jemand anderen wählen, 
würde ich keine Sekunde schwanken,
würde sonst mein Herz nur quälen.

- Tu My xoxo -

Donnerstag, 13. August 2015



Hello little sunshines!
I just ordered two new pieces from the Abercrombie & Fitch online store. It usually takes one week until my order from A&F arrives. This time, it only took 3 days! Say whaaaat. 
The first piece is just a basic long sleeve tee, the second is a boyfriend short. Here are some impressions:

Savanna V-Neck Tee | HEATHER GREY'S

Mittwoch, 12. August 2015


Unser Leben macht erst Sinn, wenn wir etwas machen.
Sei es lesen, schreiben oder einfach nur lachen.
Die Freude am Leben besteht aus Geben,
denn nur dann können wir weiter streben.
Streben nach Glück, Liebe und Hoffnung,
kriegen wir dann, wenn wir es anderen geben.
Keine Verzweiflung, Trauer und Enttäuschung?
Ist vollkommen unvermeidbar im Leben.
Höhen und Tiefen.
Das ist uns geblieben.
Habe Mut,
sei im Herzen gut,
und versuch dich nicht von anderen einschüchtern zu lassen.
Das ist nämlich der Zeitpunkt, wo wir anfangen zu hassen.
Sie machen uns runter,
wir gehen langsam den Bach runter,
fühlen uns nicht mehr gesund und munter.
Die Freude am Leben besteht aus Geben,
denn nur dann können wir weiter streben.
Leben und leben lassen.
So und nicht anders, werden wir nicht wissen wie es ist zu hassen.

- Tu My xoxo -

Mittwoch, 5. August 2015


When I see pictures, which explain my current life situation and feelings, I just take screenshots. After that, I want to post them somewhere on social media, but then I don't. I'm not exactly sure why, maybe because they are too cheesy or something. Actually, there are a few which are really motivating. Well, here they are. Take a look *hidingundermyblanket* :


Dienstag, 4. August 2015


Hello my loves!
So, I've visited my eldest brother in Munich and my first thoughts were: big, green and busy city. I wanted to share some of my impressions of Munich with you , which include sightseeing, food and some random things. 


In this chapter, I'm going to show the places I loved.

- Englischer Garten -

The Englischer Garten is a must-see in Munich. It is huge and my feet felt like they were bleeding, but it was totally worth it! When we first arrived there, I was overwhelmed by nature. It was just so clean and everyone seemed to be so happy. My brother and I walked to the Chinesischer Turm, where everybody get together, drink some beer and talk. I don't know if you can see it, but at the second floor of the tower you can see men wearing Trachten. When we got pass the tower, we arrived the Eisbachwelle, which is also known as a surfspot. It was really cool to see those foreigners surf, I wish I had the energy and talent to learn that too!

- Hofgarten -

Well, when you kind of finished the Englischer Garten, you will get to the Hofgarten, which connects the Englischer Garten with the inner city of Munich. There is a little pavilion in the middle of the Hofgarten which is surrounded by four fountains. I heard that there are always people dancing in this pavilion, which I also got to see.

- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München -

As a student, I felt like it was my duty to visit the university in Munich. Here are some impressions, which, I think, are tremendous! (You guys know about the "Geschwister Scholl" right? If you don't: They were German siblings in Germany, who were against the National Socialism)